Monday 18 March 2013

Creating a Website: The Very Start

Here is some screen shots of the experimental work I have been doing in Dreamweaver. The physical coding part of this process is difficult but also logical in the sense that you get out what you put in. I began by playing with existing HTML from websites, playing with fonts and inserting images; all of which are skills which I will need for my final website.

I started creating a mini web page. You can see at the top it says <title>My New Website </title> which appears on the top of the grey bar. The CSS says background-colour: #FFC; which tells the background colour to be cream. Then in the body I have included some text in pink which comes under colour: CC3399; and inserted an image under <img src="smile.jpg"/>. When you preview this basic page it appears as below. 

After I had begun learning the basic foundations of web design, I began experimenting with my real website idea, making the individual links to each page and adding a robot image as a draft page. The split screen allows you to view the coding on one side, and a preview on the other which is a format I prefer to follow.  One main thing that I am learning is that web design is a time consuming process and can easily go wrong by small mistakes or typos, however when it works it is very rewarding and is encouraging me to learn and develop more of my website.


  1. “…web design is a time consuming process and can easily go wrong by small mistakes or typos, however when it works it is very rewarding and is encouraging me to learn and develop more of my website.” – I totally agree with you on this, because I was once in your situation too. When I first designed my own website, it actually took me months to learn everything and finish my website. It was indeed a painstaking process, but it’s definitely worth it when I saw the result of all my efforts. One of the things I learned about website designing is to never stop experimenting. Try and try until you can find the right design you want for your website. Anyway, have you finished designing yours? You haven’t blogged any updates about it. I’d love to see your final output. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your website. You can do it! #Darryl Tay

  2. Thank you for your comment. I also agree with you with the keep trying because most of what i'm learning has come from trial and error. The website is a university project and is based around a history of technology for children. It will hopefully be finished in two weeks so will be posting updates soon. Thanks for the encouragement and hopefully by the end it will resemble something like a website! #kateyrosek1127531

  3. Creating a website is fun, but also a little challenging. If you want to make your website drive more revenue and traffic, you have to make it SEO optimized. If you need help about it, just shoot me an email. I'd be more than willing to help.
