Once my website is created it needs a Server to become 'live' and active on the internet. The server acts as a host to run the website or files requested by the user and this relationship can be described as a client-server process. The server therefore performs tasks for the client and in return the client can connect to a network. The server I will be using is FileZilla, which is a free FTP (file transfer protocol) for the exchange of data and programme files across a network. I have also learnt about the use of IP addresses (internet protocol) which is a type of unique number given to every computer or device in order to be recognised or identified as a host.
I enjoyed reading your blog, Katey! It shows the hard work that you’ve done in order to have the perfect site for your business. I’m sure your readers can get a lot of information about web design through your posts.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering, though, if your website is still live. I hope you’re not having any trouble with website traffic and page views. How are you now?
Tommy Crowe
Creating your website takes time, effort, and patience before you can get one up live. I can only imagine the effort you had to pour into it when you had to debug parts of the HTML while changing your site’s settings. It’s been a year now, and I really hope that you’re not having any other problems with your website. How is it, by the way?
ReplyDeleteCarolyn Figueroa @ Maximized Marketing